The Cultural Club of Stella Mary's College of Engineering aims at helping the students to understand and accept themselves 'as they are' and helps the students to help themselves. The main objective of the club is to bring about a voluntary change in the students. For this purpose, the teachers and management provide facilities to achieve the desired changes or to make the suitable choices.


  • There is abundance of cultural talent in the college premises and the Cultural club provides platform for those talents to flourish.
  • Promote quality and artistic renewal.
  • Promote accessibilities.
  • To help the students to know them self-better their interests, abilities, aptitudes and opportunities.
  • To encourage and develop special abilities and right attitudes.
    1. Purpose

    2. To Enhance their skills and to accentuate their understanding and learning graph.
    3. To provide a comforting vent for students who are inclined to share their imaginations and talents.
    4. To reach out to the other institutes of the university through various activities and widen their Spectrum.
    5. Teaching Faculty

      Non-Teaching Faculty

      The supporting hands of Computer Science and Engineering


      Lab Instructor

      Mr.Dinesh Kumar

      Lab Instructor


      Lab Instructor

      Common Computer Lab

      The Department of Computer Science and Engineering has a well-established Computer Practices Laboratory exclusively for First Year students. Computer Practices laboratory provides essential facilities to the students to enhance their knowledge in Programming. The common Lab is equipped with 125 Lenovo Desktop Computer with Intel i3 processor, Windows 7 Professional edition,4 LCD Projector, 2 ton carrier split AC-11,20 KVA UPS-2.

      BigData Lab

      Big data lab is typically equipped with internet access. Computers in this lab are typically arranged in rows, so that every workstation has a similar view of one end of the room to facilitate lecturing or presentations, to facilitate small group work. The Big Data Lab is equipped with 40 Lenovo Desktop computers with Intel i7 Processor, 64 bit OS, 8GB Ram, on screen projector & centralized AC. Programming and Data Structures, Object Oriented Programming Systems, Operating Systems, Internet Programming, Grid and Cloud Computing Lab practical classes are conducted in this Laboratory.

      Software Development Lab

      Software Development Lab is typically equipped with internet access. Computers in this lab are typically arranged in rows, so that every workstation has a similar view of one end of the room to facilitate lecturing or presentations, to facilitate small group work. The Software Development Lab is equipped with 40 Dell Desktop computer with Intel i3 Processor, 32 bit OS,4 GB Ram and 3 AC. Compiler Laboratory and Database Management system, Software Development, Computer Graphics, Mobile Application Development and Network Laboratory practical classes are conducted in this Laboratory.


      All the computer science department students
    6. haveparticipated in the Lecture Series on “ Mobile Application Development using Android Studio “ held on 22-05-2021 organized by Institution’s Innovative Councilin association with Department of Computer Science andEngineering,Stella Mary’s College of Engineering.
    7. All the computer science department students
    8. have participated in the Lecture Serieson “ InnovationinNetworkSimulationusingNS2 ” held on 29-05-2021 organized by Institution’s Innovative Councilin association with Department of Computer Science andEngineering,Stella Mary’s College of Engineering.
    9. All the computer science department students
    10. have participated in the Lecture Series on “Opportunities inSoftware Testing ”held on 21-05-2021 organized by Institution’s Innovative Councilin association with Department of Computer Science and Engineering, StellaMary’s College of Engineering.
    11. K.Lakshmi Prabha
    12. second year CSE participated a Webinar on "DEVOPS" organized by Star Certification on 11th May 2020.
    13. J.ShaksiyaBrindha Mol
    14. second year CSE participated in a Webinar on "Data Science for Engineers" organized by Sri Eswar College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 13th May 2020.
    15. J.ShaksiyaBrindha Mol
    16. econd year CSE participated in a Webinar on "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning" organized by Sri Eswar College of Engineering, Coimbatore on 14th May 2020.
    17. All the students of Computer Science Department
    18. have attended One Day Live Webinar on "Employability Skills for the Future” presented by Mr. Daniel Jacob, Vice President, HR EC Group International on 20th May 2020.
    19. All the students of Computer Science Department
    20. have attended one day Live Webinar on "Data Science and its Applications” presented by Mr.DilipMuralidaran, Senior Technical Instructor, Splunk on 9th June 2020.
    21. All the students of Computer Science Department
    22. have attended one day Live Webinar on "Internet of Things” presented by Mr. Solomon Ashok, Director, Splendio Technologies on 18th June 2020.
    23. All the students of Computer Science Department
    24. have attended one day Live Webinar on "Explore Yourselves in Real time Projects” presented by Mrs. Sandhi Durairaj on 18th June 2020.
    25. Dhamodaran.N
    26. third year student won first prize inDebugging held at St.Xavier's College of Engineering on7th February 2020.
    27. Renold.A
    28. third year student won second prize in WebDesigning held at St.John's College of Arts and Science on11th February 2020.
    29. Dhamodaran.N
    30. third year student won second prize inSmart Coding held at St.John's College of Arts and Scienceon 11th February 2020.
    31. Ashik Christo Mourin.M
    32. second year student won firstprize in Paper Presentation and Cinematography held atPonjesly College of Engineering on 22nd February 2020.
    33. Dhamodaran.N
    34. third year student won first prize inCode Debugging held at Ponjesly College of Engineeringon 22nd February 2020.
    35. Ashik Christo Mourin.M
    36. second year student wonsecond prize in Project Presentation held at PonjeslyCollege of Engineering on 22nd February 2020.
    37. Dhamodaran.N
    38. third year student won second prize inWeb Designing and Technical Quiz held at PonjeslyCollege of Engineering on 22nd February 2020.
    39. M.Jayindra, K.Lakshmi Prabha
    40. second year haveparticipated and presented a paper as a part ofKRYPTOZ in Mar Ephraem College of Engineeringon 8th August 2019.
    41. Minisha P.M
    42. of final year presented a paper entitled"Sentimental Analysis of Twitter Data" in BethlehemCollege of Engineering on 9th August 2019.
    43. K.Lakshmi Prabha
    44. second year has participatedand presented a paper in Bethlehem College Of Engineering on 9th August 2019.
    45. Minisha P.M
    46. final year presented a paper entitled"Sentimental Analysis of Twitter Data " in LoyalaInstitute of Technology on 31st August 2019.
    47. Ashik Christo Mourin.M
    48. ofthird year presented a paperentitled "Integration of CloudComputing with Internet ofThings" and won second prizein Loyala Institute ofTechnology on 31st August2019.
    49. Minisha M.P
    50. third year student presented a paper entitled“Sentimental Analysis of Twitter Data" and secured first prize inStella Mary's College of Engineering, Azhikal on 20th February2019.
    51. Minisha M.P
    52. third year has participated and secured third prize in Tech Talk, National Level Technical Symposium held at Stella Mary’s College of Engineering on 20th February 2019.
    53. Akshai.R
    54. third year student presented a paper entitled"Crossed-Dipole Arrays for DS-CDMA Systems" held at PonjeslyCollege of Engineering on 2nd February 2019.
    55. J. Joel David
    56. third year student presented a paper entitled "Riskbased Estimation of Manufacturing Order Cost with ArtificialIntelligence" in Ponjesly College of Engineering on 2nd February2019.
    57. Minisha.M.P
    58. third year has participated and secured first prizein the paper presentation in Just a Minute & Quiz, National LevelTechnical Symposium held at Ponjesly College of Engineering on2nd February 2019.
    59. J.Joel David
    60. third year has participated and secured secondprize in Photography, National Level Technical Symposium held atRajas College of Engineering on 2nd February 2019.
    61. B.Aishwarya
    62. third year student presented a PaperPresentation on 5G Wireless Technology, National LevelTechnical Symposium held at Rajas International Instituteof Technology on 5th October 2018.
    63. B.Aishwarya
    64. third Year has participated and securedfirst prize in Code Debugging, National Level TechnicalSymposium held at Rajas College of Engineering on 5thOctober 2018.
    65. B.Aishwarya
    66. third year student presented a paper entitled "A Smart Home Energy Management System Using Big Data Analytics" on National Level Technical Symposium in Rajas International Institute of Technology on 28th September 2018.
    67. Ajini A.V
    68. Final year student got third place in Technical Quiz organized by Rohini college Of Engineering &Technology on 20th March 2018.
    69. Ajini A.V
    70. Final year student got second place in paper presentation in National Level Technical Symposium held at Kalaivanar N.S.K College of Engineering on 16th March 2018.
    71. A.George Stalin Britto
    72. Final year student wonfirst prize in ElocutionCompetition held at St.Hindu College,Nagercoil (NationalVoters Day on 25thJanuary 2018).
    73. Archana Vijayan and Catherine SethiRaj.K
    74. secondyear have participated and presented a paper entitled"Location Privacy preserving using Semi-TTP Server" inHeera College of Engineering and Technology,Trivandrum on 11th September 2017.
    75. Artheya R.S, Prabha.S and Priyanka Lidiya.P
    76. secondyear have participated and presented a paper entitled "ANew Method of Text Categorization and Summarizationwith Fuzzy Confusion Matrix" in Heera College ofEngineering and Technology, Trivandrum on 11thSeptember 2017.
    77. Ashwini Priya.J, JeyaBrintha.M.R
    78. hird year have participated and presented a paper entitled "Novel Algorithm for Finding the Closest l-mers in Biological Data" and secured second prize held at Marian Engineering College, Trivandrum on 4th September 2017.
    79. M.SornaRevathy and W.SherlinVivitha
    80. Second year students presented a paper entitled "Effective Method for Energy Saving" in Rohini College of Engineering on 21st February 2017.
    81. M.SoranaRevathy and W.SherlinVivitha
    82. Second yearstudents presented a paper entitled "Effective Method forEnergy Saving" in Arunachala College of Engineering forWomen on 25th January 2017.
    83. Sheeba Ann Thomas and SahayaNishanthini.M
    84. Finalyear students presented a paper entitled "A Real Time EventDetection and Notification Listing Social Media" inArunachala College of Engineering for Women on 25thJanuary 2017.
    85. Ajini.A.V and Gokul Priya.C
    86. third year studentspresented a paper entitled "Security Issues IRV6:AComprehensive Overview" in Arunachala College ofEngineering for Women on 25th January 2017.
    87. George Stalin Britto
    88. third year student presented a paperentitled "A Secured Dynamic Multi-Keyword Ranked SearchScheme Over Encrypted Cloud Data” and secured secondprize held at Marian Engineering College, Trivandrum on23rd August 2016.
    89. Anusha.V
    90. Final year Student presented a paper entitled"Providing User Security Guarantees in Public InfrastructureClouds" held at Marian Engineering College, Trivandrum on23rd August 2016.
    91. S.Sahaya Aswin Binu
    92. Third year student presented a paperentitled "Efficient Wireless Multimedia Multicast inMulti-rate Multichannel Mesh Network" held at MarianEngineering College, Trivandrum on 23rd August 2016.
    93. A.NaveenAmreesh
    94. Final year student presented a papertitled "Real Time Big Data Delivery in Wireless Network"held at Marian Engineering College, Trivandrum on 23rdAugust 2016.
    95. B.Anusha
    96. third year CSE presented a paper entitled"LI-FI TECHNOLOGY" in Arunachala College ofEngineering for Women on 16th March 2016.
    97. M.Sahaya Nishanthini
    98. third year has participated andsecured first prize in the Tech Connect Contest of the IETsponsored National Level Technical Symposium held atArunachala College of Engineering for Women on 16thMarch 2016.
    99. Sheeba Ann Thomas
    100. third year presented a paper entitled "Effective Machine to Machine Communication in Smart Cord Network" in Stella Mary’s College of Engineering on 10th March 2016.
    101. I.Nagorin
    102. third year presented a paper entitled "Effective Machine to Machine Communication in Smart Cord Network" in Stella Mary’s College of Engineering on 10th March 2016.
    103. M.Sahaya Nishanthini
    104. has attended one day workshop on "Personality Development" in Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education on 1st March 2016.
    105. A.Naveen Amrish
    106. third year presented a paper entitled “A General Self Organized Tree Based-Energy Balance Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks" in Bethlahem Institute of Engineering on 27/2/2016.
    107. A.Naveen Amrish
    108. has attended two days workshop on "Android Mobile Application Development" in Rohini College of Engineering on 18/2/2016 - 19/2/2016.
    109. Third year CSE girls
    110. attended one day workshop on "Mobile Application Development” organized by Arunachala College of Engineering on 8th February 2016.