The Cultural Club of Stella Mary's College of Engineering aims at helping the students to understand and accept themselves 'as they are' and helps the students to help themselves. The main objective of the club is to bring about a voluntary change in the students. For this purpose, the teachers and management provide facilities to achieve the desired changes or to make the suitable choices.

Teaching Faculty
Non-Teaching Faculty
The supporting hands of Computer Science and Engineering

Lab Instructor
Mr.Dinesh Kumar
Lab Instructor
Lab InstructorCommon Computer Lab
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering has a well-established Computer Practices Laboratory exclusively for First Year students. Computer Practices laboratory provides essential facilities to the students to enhance their knowledge in Programming. The common Lab is equipped with 125 Lenovo Desktop Computer with Intel i3 processor, Windows 7 Professional edition,4 LCD Projector, 2 ton carrier split AC-11,20 KVA UPS-2.

BigData Lab
Big data lab is typically equipped with internet access. Computers in this lab are typically arranged in rows, so that every workstation has a similar view of one end of the room to facilitate lecturing or presentations, to facilitate small group work. The Big Data Lab is equipped with 40 Lenovo Desktop computers with Intel i7 Processor, 64 bit OS, 8GB Ram, on screen projector & centralized AC. Programming and Data Structures, Object Oriented Programming Systems, Operating Systems, Internet Programming, Grid and Cloud Computing Lab practical classes are conducted in this Laboratory.

Software Development Lab
Software Development Lab is typically equipped with internet access. Computers in this lab are typically arranged in rows, so that every workstation has a similar view of one end of the room to facilitate lecturing or presentations, to facilitate small group work. The Software Development Lab is equipped with 40 Dell Desktop computer with Intel i3 Processor, 32 bit OS,4 GB Ram and 3 AC. Compiler Laboratory and Database Management system, Software Development, Computer Graphics, Mobile Application Development and Network Laboratory practical classes are conducted in this Laboratory.
