The Department of Mechanical Engineering has been in existence since 2013 with the intake of 60 students. The department has excellent infrastructure by keeping on par with the latest trends. The Department is grown into a full-fledged one with well-equipped lab facilities, Infrastructure and faculty members of various specializations. The faculty members are not only committed to the teaching profession but also involve themselves in research and constantly, filing patent publish papers in conference proceedings, International and National Journals with respect to their field of specialization. The department has been producing excellent results with distinction in the university examinations consistently.
The Department provides high quality education along with discipline. The faculty members make it possible to give individual attention to the learners and to motivate them to achieve their professional goals. The curriculum structure of the department is designed to meet the present day requirement of Industries and corporate sectors. The interaction between the staff and students is excellent and all the laboratories are well equipped as per the requirements of the curriculum.
To impart nationally and internationally recognized education on Mechanical Engineering, leading to well qualified engineers who are innovative contributors to the profession and successful in advanced studies and research
Teaching Faculty
The pillars of Mechanical Engineering

Dr. Michael Raj F
Professor HEAD
Dr. Suresh Premil Kumar R
Dr. Jenix Rino J
Associate Professor DIRECTOR
Dr. Abeens M
Assistant Professor
Dr. Brabin Nivas M L
Associate Professor
Mr. RajKumar S.R
Assistant Professor
Mr. Ajith kumar S
Assistant Professor
Mr. Bravin Daniel E
Assistant Professor
Mr. Vijayan P
Assistant Professor
Mr. Rakhesh I P
Assistant Professor
Mr. Sujin M
Assistant Professor
Mr. Ajai L K
Assistant Professor
Mr. Sarasa Kumar K
Assistant Professor
Mr. Jein Sam Dhas R
Assistant Professor
Mr. Manikandan N
Assistant ProfessorNon-Teaching Faculty
The supporting hands of Mechanical Engineering
Plumbing Work
Wood Work
Welding Work
Basic Machining Work
Assembly Work
Sheet Metal Work
Foundry Work

CADEM Centre is established to impart practical experience in handling 2D drafting and 3D modeling software. To understand the features of CNC Machine tool and to know the application of various CNC machines like CNC lathe, CNC Vertical Machining centre. To give exposure to software tools needed to analyze engineering problems. To expose the students to different applications of simulation and analysis tools. Students of Mechanical Engineering program use the center for laboratory courses like Computer Aided Machine Drawing, Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacturing lab, Simulation and Analysis laboratory and Interpersonal skill & listening and speaking laboratory as per their curriculum. They also use this centre for the preparation of Technical Seminar laboratory, mini project and main project.
This laboratory is used to supplement the principles taught in the theory courses like kinematics of Machinery and Dynamics of Machinery to make understand how certain measuring devices are used for dynamic and kinematics testing.
This lab is to study the applications of the conservation laws to flow through pipes and hydraulic machines. To understand the importance of dimensional analysis. To understand the importance of various types of flow in pumps and turbines. Upon Completion of this lab, the students can able to have hands on experience in flow measurements using different devices and also perform calculation related to losses in pipes and also perform characteristic study of pumps, turbines etc.,
This lab is to study and practice the various operations that can be performed in lathe, shaper, drilling, milling machines etc., and to acquire knowledge on various basic machining operations in special purpose machines and its applications in real life manufacture of components to equip with the practical knowledge required in the core manufacturing industries. The laboratory courses Manufacturing Technology-I and Manufacturing Technology-II will be taught using this laboratory.
This laboratory is to familiarize the students with different measurement aids and equipments and its use in the industries for quality inspection.
This lab is to familiarizing the students with the method of programming the microprocessor and also with the design, modeling & analysis of basic electrical, hydraulic & pneumatic systems which enable the students to understand the concept of mechatronics.
To supplement the theoretical knowledge gained in the theory courses like Engineering Metallurgy and Strength of Material with practical testing for determining the material behavior and strength of materials under externally applied loads. This would enable the student to have a clear understanding of the design for strength and stiffness.
This laboratory is to study the value timing, port timing- diagram and performance of IC Engines. To Study the characteristics of fuels/Lubricates used in IC Engines. To study the Performance of steam generator/ turbine. To study the heat transfer phenomena and predict the relevant coefficient using implementation. To study the performance of refrigeration cycle / components. This lab consists of separate Steam an IC engines lab, Hear Transfer Lab.
Programme Outcomes
Program Specfic Outcomes
On successful completion of the Mechanical Engineering Degree programme, the Graduates shall exhibit the following:
Academic Calender
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